Today marks the third trip to "find" Santa Claus. I have finally broken down and decided that it needs to be done--ONCE. We will not do it again. Ok, well maybe if we have another child or when Kendrick can remember it. I decided that I don't want to be "that" Mom later in life, where my kids look back and say, "Yeah, my Mom never let me sit on Santa's lap." For the past couple of years we have been invited to a party where Santa was in atendance. But, no parties this year. Guess it is the economy.
On Sunday, since we were dressed up, we took the kids after church to the Galleria. We got half way down the mall and saw the line and immediately turned around. Cavett had no idea what we were doing or where we were. He just knew it was a mall and was upset that he couldn't play in the playground. Too bad the Galleria doesn't even have one!
On Monday night we figured we'd go after baths, thinking that most kids would be at home getting ready for bed. Well, boy were we wrong. That is where kids should be, but not when Santa is around! When we arrived at 7:15 there was a line and the people in front of us said that Santa wasn't to arrive back until 8:00. He was on break. That just wouldn't do for us either. We told Cavett that Santa was feeding his reindeer and that we would try again tomorrow.
We talked to an attendant before we left and he gave us the scoop. "Arrive at 8:00 AM. Nobody realizes we are opened then. " So, that is what we did. Woke up early, dressed and headed to the mall in the rain.
We weren't the only ones there. There were two in front of us and a couple behind. It was perfect timing. Cavett enjoyed his time on the big man's lap. Kendrick, on the other hand did not. He didn't mind me sitting with him and was very interested in Santa, but he didn't want me to leave him. We did get a good picture, except that I am in it.

That's a great picture! At least you brushed your hair before setting out to find Santa. We manage to show up without having had a shower and Emily doesn't stop screaming, so no decent pictures. This year I found myself wondering just why I was trying to rationalize with her that she really ought to want to sit on the strange guy's lap. It feels wrong somehow, but we like to visit Santa the day before Thanksgiving. There's no line!
Great job!
We haven't braved the "find Santa" quest. Maybe next year.
You are a very good momma, Jennifer. There is no way I could have had us all so spiffed up and at the mall by 8 am! We are fortunate that Santa was at a local photography studio last week. We were able to make an appointment to see him, no line, we don't do lines!
It turned out great. I am "that" mom. I refuse to fork out that much money for a Santa pic. The kids will just have to tell the therapist all about it later...
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