Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday Post-Christmas

Today was the annual Werntz, Tricketts, Dent get-together at Christmas time. This is like my extended non-related family. And, so we continue to get together to see how we have grown and catch up on each others lives. Between the three families, there were 10 kids. Those 10 kids now have 8 kids, so there are about 31 of us. Wisely, my sister decided to get a babysitter for the night and I followed suit. It was so nice to actually be able to hold a conversation without worrying about what my kids were tearing up. Good memories and fun times.

Just before the event, we went over to Candace's house to have Stephen help Jack move a TV. The kids ended up playing and we also made cookies. Good thing Nana was there too, because it ended up being dinner time and chaos and liveliness ensued. She was able to help feed kids, while the Momma's finished baking cookies and fixing dinners over and over again for those little ones who seem to have a picky palate. We absolutely love all time spent with the Chaneys---with kids or without!


Candace said...

Love that picture of you with all those kids around you baking cookies! It was fun!

Claire said...

Gotta love that Nana to step in when needed- sounds like you all had a blast. Once again, I hope my girls are able to spend time like this when they are older!! So special...