Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wordful Wednesday

It seems living in a "boy" house there is much wrestling. I am learning to embrace it and love it.

Brought to you by: Angie at Seven Clown Circus

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The First Family Bike Ride

This afternoon we were finally able to find the part that connects the bike trailer to the bike. Again, thank you Templins for your hand-me -down "gift"! We were able to take a quick jaunt through the neighborhood. Cavett wanted to try the trailer out as well, so he and Kendrick were pulled by Mom. The temperature was about 45, with a wind chill of 35! It was cold, but fun. We are looking forward to many more trips to the park, soccer games and around Greatwood. Who knows we may even go so green as to ride all the way to CVS instead of driving!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday Post-Christmas

Today was the annual Werntz, Tricketts, Dent get-together at Christmas time. This is like my extended non-related family. And, so we continue to get together to see how we have grown and catch up on each others lives. Between the three families, there were 10 kids. Those 10 kids now have 8 kids, so there are about 31 of us. Wisely, my sister decided to get a babysitter for the night and I followed suit. It was so nice to actually be able to hold a conversation without worrying about what my kids were tearing up. Good memories and fun times.

Just before the event, we went over to Candace's house to have Stephen help Jack move a TV. The kids ended up playing and we also made cookies. Good thing Nana was there too, because it ended up being dinner time and chaos and liveliness ensued. She was able to help feed kids, while the Momma's finished baking cookies and fixing dinners over and over again for those little ones who seem to have a picky palate. We absolutely love all time spent with the Chaneys---with kids or without!

Christmas 2008

Without re-hashing all the details, we had a great Christmas and I loved having time at home with just our immediate family. The highlights include the kids sleeping in until 9 on Christmas morning, eating Christmas Bread and finding our bicycles in the garage. Yes, Cavett was given his "dark, blue" Spiderman bicycle. After a quick spin around the neighborhood, we packed up the car and the bike and headed to Shreveport.

In Shreveport, dinner was eaten and gifts exchanged rather quickly and chaotic-ly. But, we ended the night in peace watching the "Nativity Story" with Nana.

Anna Grace when she unwrapped her gift to find a diaper box.

Anna Grace (a.k.a. Cinderella) and Aunt Jenny

Friday was spent with the Chaneys seeing the Tale of Despereaux, going to the "Rainbow" park, and playing Rock Band and Poser.

Saturday was spent mainly at home waiting for the rain to hit. Nana and I ran errands in the morning and we briefly spent some time with the Degenharts. This evening we have the annual Werntz, Trickett, Dent get-together, only this time we got a baby sitter. Again, Christmas parties with babies....no fun.

We will leave town tomorrow to head back to life in Houston. It was a good Christmas and we are thankful for all of our family and the blessings that God has given us this year.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

There will be no Literacy Thursday today. Enjoy time with your family and revel in the fact that Jesus has come! Merry Christmas!

More to come on our family Christmas happenings soon.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wordful Wednesday and the Night Before the Night Before Chirstmas

For all of you Wordful Wednesday Folks, here's what you are looking for. You've heard of Princess Lea...we'll our's is Christmas Lea. We had quite a bit of fun with the bows.


Rudolph Nose

Triple Do

For the rest of you, here's what is happening at the Hill house.

Yesterday afternoon, Stephen's parents came in. We enjoyed spending the afternoon with them and we went out for dinner. Afterwards we came home dancing to Christmas music and we decided to go ahead and have two Christmas Eves/Mornings. We went ahead and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus and had birthday cake.

This morning we got up and ate Christmas Bread and opened presents from Grandmama and Grandaddy. We were overhelmed with blessings from them. Truly. But, as you can see the bows and the boxes were fun too. Cavett got a Hot Wheels Stunt set, a pirate Lego set, a cool scanimation book and a Flo's VB Cafe from the movie Cars. Kendrick got a fun Farm Book and a Plasma Car. In our PJ's, we all enjoyed their toys all morning long. Grandmama and Grandaddy left just after lunch and Dad has now gone to the office to get Cavett's final gift.

Tonight's activities will be much the same as last nights, except that after birthday cake and a reading of the Bible Christmas story we will head to church for the Youth Choir's singing of Vivaldi's Gloria during the 8:00 candlelight service. I will be singing with them. When we get home, Cavett gets to scatter the "reindeer food" (that he made at school) all over the yard and we will tuck them quickly in bed.

Seriously, I am way excited about tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

In Search of Santa

Today marks the third trip to "find" Santa Claus. I have finally broken down and decided that it needs to be done--ONCE. We will not do it again. Ok, well maybe if we have another child or when Kendrick can remember it. I decided that I don't want to be "that" Mom later in life, where my kids look back and say, "Yeah, my Mom never let me sit on Santa's lap." For the past couple of years we have been invited to a party where Santa was in atendance. But, no parties this year. Guess it is the economy.

On Sunday, since we were dressed up, we took the kids after church to the Galleria. We got half way down the mall and saw the line and immediately turned around. Cavett had no idea what we were doing or where we were. He just knew it was a mall and was upset that he couldn't play in the playground. Too bad the Galleria doesn't even have one!

On Monday night we figured we'd go after baths, thinking that most kids would be at home getting ready for bed. Well, boy were we wrong. That is where kids should be, but not when Santa is around! When we arrived at 7:15 there was a line and the people in front of us said that Santa wasn't to arrive back until 8:00. He was on break. That just wouldn't do for us either. We told Cavett that Santa was feeding his reindeer and that we would try again tomorrow.

We talked to an attendant before we left and he gave us the scoop. "Arrive at 8:00 AM. Nobody realizes we are opened then. " So, that is what we did. Woke up early, dressed and headed to the mall in the rain. We weren't the only ones there. There were two in front of us and a couple behind. It was perfect timing. Cavett enjoyed his time on the big man's lap. Kendrick, on the other hand did not. He didn't mind me sitting with him and was very interested in Santa, but he didn't want me to leave him. We did get a good picture, except that I am in it.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Around Christmas time you see lots of cute-sy signs and buttons, etc. that say "Believe." I have always come to take them as associated with Santa Claus. "If you don't believe, Santa Claus won't come." I have never taken it in a religious sense. I have never questioned whether Christ was born, so I haven't taken the word, "believe" in that way. It's a given to me.

Now, I am re-examining the idea. It's not His birth, but the hope He brings and His plans for me. That is what I need to be reminded of. God sent His son so that I may have life eternal. I totally believe that but it is the day to day hope for His plans in my life that I must be reminded to believe in. He has amazing plans and knows what our future holds for the next year and beyond. That is where my focus needs to be and that is what I need to believe in.

Jeremiah 29:11-14 says--"For I know the plans for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land."

I have heard the first verse of this passage many times, but it is the last verse that really hit me. It has given me reassurance that we have done the right thing so far and that if we seek Him, He will fulfill the rest of His promise of rescue. Many of you know of the situation I am speaking of. I can't go into detail here. But, please keep us in your prayers for the coming year.

So, I guess for those of you who are still questioning your faith, go ahead and take it as "Believe in Christ's birth." For those of you who have stepped beyond, challenge your faith. What part of his hope and redemption do you need to believe in?

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton son. That whosoever would believe in Him would not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Weekend Review

So it was a busy weekend as things go. Friday night began, like I said earlier, with Brenda's birthday party. The core boys dressed perfectly matching and they didn't even call each other and plan their wardrobe. We ate some good Tex-Mex and then ventured to the Black Swan for some dancing. Good times! Happy Birthday, Brenda!

Saturday after naps we promised the boys we would swim in the hot tub. Kendrick donned the life jacket. This past summer in the pool was tough for him and me.

He liked the pool, but wanted to get in and out all the time and he was too little to wear the life jacket. I had to hold him constantly. After about 15 minutes, he figured out how to balance himself, blow bubbles and even started "swimming" towards the end.

Saturday evening was Stephen's office party. Enough said.

We are really looking forward to this week at the Hill house. In fact I think I am more excited than the little boys are. I can't wait to see their expressions on Christmas morning. Just please, pray for no rain! (You'll see....)

And the winner is.......

First of all, I want to thank each of you who entered my drawing. I wish I had enough money to give a cookbook to each of you. However, you may still buy your own over at Blurb.

I'm pleased to announce that my winner is someone whom I have never met, but I feel like we have much in common. She is my oldest blogging friend who reads and comments on just about everything I have written. Her kids are precious and I enjoy reading about them and looking at her fabulous photographs. So without further ado.....

Congratulations Susan over at FordyDays and Nights! I'll be in touch with you about shipping.

An honorable mention goes to Allison at Slice of Heaven for picking my favorite recipe. Of course, it is the Christmas Bread. Once you taste it you would know why. Maybe once I figure out how to ship it, you may receive a loaf in the mail. No guaruntees though!

Shout Out Sunday

This shout out goes to my oldest, best friend Carol Beth. I have blogged about her before. But, here's the reason today. We went to Brenda's birthday party on Friday night and ended up dancing at a hotel bar after having a Mexican dinner. A great time was had--but I got to give the shout to CB for exposing me to such classic raps like "Baby Got Back" and "Ice, Ice, Baby." Had I not gotten to ride to and from church and around town with her, I would have never known every single last word to those "songs." So, thanks CB and know my friends are stunned and impressed! :)

Last Chance

It's your last chance to enter my Give-Away! It ends at 6:00 PM CST. I'll be posting the winner by 7:00 PM. Click here to win!

P.S.-- for all my other readers, I'll catch up tomorrow. Busy weekend and now I'm off to church to work.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

How I Roll (or Wrap)

Don't forget about my Give-Away! It ends Sunday, December, 21st. Click here and comment!

I got this from Susan at Fordy Days and Nights and I thought it would be fun. You should "play" along too! Let me know if you do!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapped presents only. I'm a sucker for beautiful bows, although I can't make them very well.

2. Real tree or Artificial? I love real, but they are a real mess and not very cost or environmentally friendly. So, we go artificial.

3. When do you put up the tree? The Sunday after Thanksgiving weekend.

4. When do you take the tree down? I'd like to leave it until the 6th of January, but it just is too long. Usually ends up just after New Years.

5. Do you like eggnog? No.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Easy Bake oven/an Esprit sweater once I got into clothes

7. Hardest person to buy for? Stephen's parents, he helps me none.

8. Easiest person to buy for? Cavett.

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, 2. A Willow Tree set that my Mom started for me and then a white porcelien set that was Stephen's grandmothers. I let the kids play with both. Even if they are broken, I feel it is important to let them "re-arrange" the set as they like. This is his latest arrangement. It isn't even on the creche stand.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Can't think of one.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? It's lame, but I like Elf. Maybe the Nativity Story will become my favorite, I haven't seen it yet and I hope to watch it Christmas Eve Eve/ or Christmas Eve.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Typically after Thanksgiving.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Only for a white elephant party.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? CHRISTMAS BREAD!!!!

16. Lights on the tree? Must..be..WHITE! Though bubble lights hold a special place in my heart (my Dad loved them!)

17. Favorite Christmas song? There are so many, but lately the words of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" have got me. Sting's version of "I Saw Three Ships" gets me rocking. I have had my XM/Sirrius radio set on 79--love that channel!

18. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? This year at home until after Christmas morning, then travel.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yes

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Prefer star, but I have a bow.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? All the "pop" Christmas music and the lack of the true meaning of Christmas.

23. What theme or color are you using? No theme, unless you count my stockings that I made. They are 12 days of Christmas. Guess we need to have 2 more kids.

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Greenberg turkey, yes, again.

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? A silver ring from Nelle and Lizzy with my boys names engraved on them.

26. Do you have a favorite ornament, what? Most all of my ornaments are handmade by my grandfather, mother or me. They are all wooden and painted in primary colors.

27. Gifts from Santa? Wrapped or Unwrapped? Both. The big, difficult to wrap one will be unwrapped.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Literacy Thursday

Today's feature isn't really a Christmas book, per se, but it is poignant and significant. The Tale of Three Trees by the prolific writer, Angela Elwell Hunt is a traditional folktale from the perspective of three trees standing on a mountain top.

The book begins with each tree's dream of what he would like to be when he grows up. For the first-a treasure box to hold the king's treasure. The second-a strong sailing ship. And the third just wanted to stand there straight and tall and point to heaven. Each in God's own way fulfills his dream by becoming a significant piece of wood in Jesus' life. I won't spoil it and tell you, but I am sure you can guess.

It's a wonderful book with beautiful pictures. This book can be read at all times of the year to remember the gift and sacrifice that God gave to each of us and to help us realize that God has a plan for our lives, but it may not be exactly how we envisioned it.

Addendum: This author has many other children's books as well as adult pieces. I'm very interested to get a hold of some of her Historical Biblical Fiction like the Nativity Story.
Brought to you by: Jennifer @ if you're happy and you know it

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Christmas Party

Today was Cavett's Christmas party and I was one of three Mom's in charge. It looks like we are having a great time. Things look calm. Normally, yes, but under the circumstances it was a little difficult. At this school the teachers don't stay in the classroom for the party. Seems very strange to me--being a teacher myself I would think liability issues would come into play not to mention I don't know these 13 kids from Adam. We, as parents, also don't know the schedule or what is allowed in the classroom. Makes for a difficult time.

We planned a Polar Express party--we read the book, pretended we were on the train, ate candies with nougat centers white as snow, made jingle bell bracelets, played a jingle bell game, and had pizza with our train cookies for lunch.

Everything went semi-well until the craft. Let me begin by saying I picked something that required no glue, no scissors, just wire, jingle bells and beads. Then the 15 month old daughter of one of the Mom's grabbed the cup of beads just so that they spilled everywhere! Then, as you do any crafts with kids, they all finish at different time. Some really get into it, others slap something together and call it done. So, chaos ensued with them pulling out toys bfore I could round them up into my next game.

But, it all didn't matter whether I enjoyed my time or not. On the way home I asked Cavett his favorite thing today and he said it was the train ride and the nougat candy. Then he busted out with a song that they sang in Chapel, which I had never heard. My day was saved. All I needed to hear was his angelic voice.