Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kendrick Time

This is our annual week to have one on one time with each kiddo.  Stephen's mom likes to have that time too and since we have two kids, it works out nicely.  Monday, Grandmama came to pick up Cavett.  He took a suit case full of things to do with her and his uncle Jonny's tub of Legos.  He was super excited.

I was super excited to get to spend time with Kendrick and see his little personality without his brother around.  He is such a follower of his brother that he has a hard time making decisions on his own or even having his own "likes."  But, we had a great time nonetheless. 

Monday night Dad joined us at Splitsville Bowling alley for some games and grub.  He loved it and we are having his birthday party here later in the month.  He even beat us both on the second game!  That evening he also got to sleep in "the special bed" in our room (a pull out chair.) 

Tuesday morning we had waffles, played games and went to see the movie, Mr. Popper's Penguins.  It was on the way to the movies that he figured out how to whistle.  Cavett has been obsessed with learning how lately and Kendrick picked it up in nothing flat!  That evening I let him decide what he was having for dinner and he was going to be the chef and cook it.  He loved the name "Chef Kendrick"  and doing everything to prepare the Mac 'N Cheese (his favorite food besided chicken nuggets and corn).  We capped off the day after Karate at our favorite frozen yogurt store. 

Kendrick is as sweet as pie and a free spirit.  He just needs a little breathing room and separation from his brother to find it every now and then.  I love you, sweetie pie! 

1 comment:

Candace said...

It may not have been one on one, but I loved my Kendrick time this summer for sure! He IS a sweetie. :)