Monday, March 31, 2008

A Quick Nana Visit

For the past 2 nights we have had the pleasure of having Nana for dinner. She is in town (literally staying in Houston, near the Galleria) for a conference. So, last night we met her in town for a Mexican dinner and tonight she came to our house for some pasta and "the going place." Of course, if we say that after dinner, it usually means an ice cream parlor. This time it was Baskin Robbins, because we desparately needed new pink spoons. (They are the best for cereal with milk for little ones. Just the right size and deep enough to keep things in place!)

After dinner and putting kiddos to bed, I spent my favorite quality time with Nana--figuring out sewing projects. She is so good at just looking at something and then making up a pattern for it. This time it was a case for the kids new portable DVD player. We are so lucky to have such a talented Mom.

We love you, Nana!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love that Nana!