This week is Vacation Bible School. I am teaching a 2nd grade class. This involves getting the 3 of us out the door and on the road by 8:05 each morning this week, to arrive at church around 8:40 to get both kids to their rooms and me ready to teach until 12. When we arrive home it is a mad dash to get all of us fed. By the time that is over and we have had the napping ritual taken care of, I am beat! I don't know how full-time working Moms do it. Maybe I am just out of practice. I look at everything that needs doing around the house and I have no motivation. My house is a wreck. As a result, nothing has been posted and probably nothing else will be posted until the weekend sometime. So, I hope this finds everyone well and know that we are thinking of you this week even if you don't hear from us.
On another subject, the first day's lesson went very well. Candace helped me out in a big way and gave me a great way of teaching the story of Gideon. The senior minister even came in to help out! How often does that happen in a big church as ours! Let's hope my lesson tomorrow goes just as well.
We will be here when you resurface! What a job to teach our children...I am sure you they will leave whith more love in their heart b/c of YOU!
We will be here when you resurface! What a job to teach our children...I am sure you they will leave whith more love in their heart b/c of YOU!
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