I know, this year is not starting out with great blogs. I promise it will get better.
Well, here ya go! We've been preparing for Cavett's birthday
party. This week has been consumed with baking 2 cakes and icing, as well as wrapping presents. We also have a new tradition of "hiding" presents.
They are just out of reach enough to be out of constant eyesight, but a reminder of what fun is to come. His party is Saturday and it looks like we will have my brother, future sister-in-law, sister and one cousin as well as one grandmother! Hurray!!! 
In the meantime, I'm sure you are asking "What has she been doing?"

It seems like just yesterday I saw you in Strawn's with a newborn! Time flies! I'm trying to figure out how to stop it! In the meantime, savor every moment like I know you do!
Ok Jennifer, I never cease to be amazed by you! Those cakes are incredible! Your kids are blessed to have such a talented mom. I should post some of my attempts at cake decorating, you would seriously laugh at loud. It is a goal of mine though, to create such lovely cakes, so I plan on taking a class - I just have to figure out what to do with Lauren, maybe I could drag a pack-n-play into the class? HA
I received your email and replied. I hope you got it (:
Nicole (Leelou blogs)
Adorable cakes!!!!!! and love the idea of hiding cakes! :)
I totally would have planned to come if someone would have mentioned it to me!
Impressive, sis!
Great looking cakes! Have fun.
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