Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Soccer Practice

Soccer is going well for Cavett. I would say that he is making 50-75% of the goals the team makes. He is fairly aggresive on the field and has gotten over the fact that you fall down and get dirty. He really looks forward to the games and practices.

Kendrick on the other hand has a difficult time. Some days he is good in the stroller the entire time. Other times, like today, nothing about the stroller or snacks will satisfy him. Today he found his shadow. He found it interesting to wave his arms and watch how it changed. At one point, he tried to pick it up. He also enjoyed riding on Dad's shoulders.


Candace said...

great pics! Too cute!

Holly said...

Oh, he found his shadow! How sweet! Peter Pan would be so proud.

I love your new blog look!