Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Spinning Applesauce

Today I got to enjoy Kendrick one-on-one while Cavett was at school. He had a great morning nap. I even had to wake him up to eat lunch. But after lunch we played. At one point I started humming "Let's Go Walking" to myself, because I am trying to "re-learn" it. (Evidentally, I learned it wrong. Long story.) Kendrick immediately recognized it as a SongPlay song. He's only been there twice at this age and then one session when he was 3 months old. So, I was amazed at how quickly he recognized it. Even though it was the wrong song, he recognized the situation. He went to my back and wanted to do "See-Saw." After a while he got tired of that and came around to the front to do it again. Later we tried out a few more songs--specifically "Teddy Bear." He has figured out how to turn around and around. Vestibular simulation at work!

He was also allowed to go crazy with the applesauce tonight. It was all over the face, hands and bib, but the bowl managed to stay in one place and there was very little on his outfit. He would have nothing to do with me spoon feeding it to him.

He's really growing up.


Candace said...

What a cutie pie!

Falcone Family said...

Isabela would agree, SongPlay is awesome! I just wish you were our teacher :-(
I love that Kandrick so gets it too!

Holly said...

That's great! There are other moms I know who love spending that time with their smallest child while their older one is in school. It's good bonding time.

Did I mention before your new blog look is lovely!