He is jumping on the trampoline in different ways--one foot, in circles, patting knees, doing pull ups on the bars, flipping on the rings, balancing on the beams and his soumersault is perfected. It is just what we needed. Thanks Mary!
Also, we have been talking about putting Cavett in piano lessons for a while now and debating on how soon to start him. My college roommate, Renee, convinced me to do it on my own. And, she's right, I can do it. I just ne
eded the right books and time alone. So, we have set it up like a real lesson. Cavett and I will do book work on Thursday afternoons while Kendrick is sleeping and the Dad will play with Kendrick while we work on the piano.
Yesterday was our first lesson and he loved it! This week he is working on the black keys, learning finger numbers, bar lines, measures, and quarter notes. Maybe we can convince Grandmama to give him his next lesson in Grand Saline tomorrow.
What fun!
You can totally do it! At least for a few years if not forever. What are you using? I like Faber and Faber myself.
maybe you can convice grandma to give Brandon's kid lessons!!!! Seriously.
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