We were blessed to have Nana with us the whole weekend! That was a treat in itself. And Stephen's mom was able to join us for the party too! Saturday morning we had the traditional pancake breakfast on the birthday plate, but the new camera card that we had just bought wouldn't hold but one picture. When we took it back to the store to exchange it, we realized we hadn't downloaded the one picture, so thus, no picture.
Afterwards, Nana went with Cavett and me to watch him have his Karate lesson and get his birthday spankings.
I think he really had a blast! The favors were many different types of gum. It's been our standing rule that you can't have gum until you are 6 at house. (Just because I don't want to clean it off carpets and hair, and such...)
That evening all the Dents enjoyed playing Cavett's game, Bananagrams, from Nana for about 2 hours after he went to bed! It's a kind of Scrabble played without a board making up your own crosswords, but competing against other players in speed.
So, I think he enjoyed his weekend and totally didn't want to go to school today. Who could blame him with all the cool stuff he got?
What a fun weekend!
And what a cake!!!!
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