Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kendrick's Speech

Again, back to yesterday's comments about my past blog on worrying and second guessing and blaming....I have been concerned about Kendrick.  About a month ago, his teacher pulled me into the classroom and we had a chat about his behavior and speech and that he would probably benefit from speech therapy.  She assured me that it would be very helpful as he is having trouble expressing himself and is acting out instead.

I had been thinking that he may need speech therapy since about his second bithday last August, but I thought maybe it was too early and he'd grow into his words.  But, after this conversation, I began blaming myself. Have I done all I could to be the best teacher in this aspect?  I haven't read to him as much as I did to Cavett.  He sits in front of the television more than Cavett did.  I probably don't talk to him as much as I did with Cavett.  Not to mention he seems behind in his colors and shapes.  What kind of Mom am I????

But, that day in March I put all those evil thougths out of my mind.  It isn't my fault and I am a good Mom.  Things change when you have baby #2.  Life is busier and the first kid talks a ton.  He has a healthy love for books and will now sit down and read several in a row when he is in the right mood.  I have been more diligent about my conversations with him and insisting on him using complete sentences with consistency.  Now that the weather is more condusive we are balancing outdoor play time with TV time and indoor play time. 

So, today we had Kendrick's evaluation. At 9:30 three women came into to my house and we talked about Kendrick, watched him play and take "tests."  An hour and fifteen minutes later, my thoughts were validated.  He needs no therapy (other than potty training and I'm not paying $75 a month for someone to tell me how to do that!)  His age equivalents are as follows:

Cognitive: 33 months
Communication: 36 months
Social Emotional:  39 months
Physical: 41 months
Adaptive (self care and independence): 24 months (due to not potty training yet)

The speech therapist did give me a chart to help me keep a look out for mastery of certain letters and blends and when he should accomplish this by. She said what I am already doing is exactly what she would recommend me doing. For example: Kendrick says "more milk" and I have him repeat "May I have more milk please?"

Today his real age is 31 months and a couple of weeks.  He's fine and there is no need for concern.  Praise God!  What a relief!


Candace said...

I always tell parents that it NEVER HURTS to get evaluated. It was early intervention, I guess?
Yay for Kendrick and his precocious self! That potty training will come soon enough.
And I'm glad the big reveal came so soon. I was wondering...

Jennifer Kindle said...

glad you feel good about the tests. Remember, all kids are different and especially boys. My first didn't potty train until a month before he was 3 and my 3rd a month after he was 2...the first talked early and the early potty-trained 3rd child didn't talk until he turned 3....didn't talk much at all...God is good and has formed those little guys so different to keep us on our toys. blessings on your family, I enjoy your blog and am excited for you about the teaching kids at BSF.