Monday, April 19, 2010

The Reveal Week

This week is the big reveal.  Remember that post a few weeks ago?  The one about second guessing myself and blaming myself and worry?  The next two posts will be the answer to what my concerns have been.

Lately, I have really been missing teaching and singing.  The only outlet that I have had for that is singing a couple of hymns with a piano during BSF, oh and I got to sing the Hallelujah chorus at Easter.  I have had no teaching outlet of any kind other than my kids.  I went to the Dallas Children's Chorus Gala/Concert and realized how much I missed teaching and directing.  I'm taking Kendrick to a gymnastics class that tries to be a SongPlay with gymnastics, but that is very unfulfilling in the musical sense.  I just really miss teaching no matter the age.  So, I have been praying for an answer--some outlet for me to use my God given talents. 

Not more than a week after I posted the previous blog I get a call from my BSF leader asking me to consider being a children's leader next year.  I knew that this was my answer to my prayer, but at the same time I was reluctant.  I had done Vacation Bible School, but somthing this hard core was a bit more of a strech for me, which is why I think God wants me here.  Did I mention the major time commitment, study and preparation involved?  So, I accepted, I was approved and I went to my first leader's class today.  Overwhelming, but I'll take it bit by bit and observe over the next several weeks and I have no dobt God will give me the time to make it happen and the right words to teach these kids about the unfathomable, indescribable love of God our Father. 

There will be no second guessing my decision or my ability.  There will be no worrying about how my house will get cleaned or the flower beds weeded.  I will prioritize.  When God comes first, everything else falls into place. 

Look for another bigger answer tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I really enjoyed teaching the little ones at BSF and musical talent (you know like carrying a tune) is badly needed in most cases! The prep looks a lot worse on paper than it really is!