Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Mission

Today was deemed Potty Training Boot Camp Day for Kendrick.  I got the wetting baby doll from sister #2, found the book at Half Price Books, took notes on my phone, gathered all the needed supplies (paper towels, cleaning spray, step stool, juices of all sorts and treats of many kinds,) and place his underwear within reach  We camped out in the kids hallway to play where all the games are (and no carpet) and I brought in books and puzzles. 

Kendrick taught the baby doll how to "go."  He really seemed to get into it and like it, surprisingly.  We put on big boy underware and started drinking lots of juice.  After 30 minutes, nothing.  The clock chimes ten times, still nothing.  By this point we have checked ourselves multiple times and tried to go at least 4 times.  Along comes 11:00 and I am tired of sitting on the hard wood floor.  We get up and walk around and he decided he wants to go upstairs and play.  I told him we can't because he has to go potty first.  A couple of minutes pass by and then he says excitedly, "I need to go potty!"  And, by george, we made it and all was perfect and right in the world. 

Unfortunately, that's kinda where it ends.  As we were upstairs time passed too quickly playing and he missed an opportunity being too distracted.  We did all the practicing back and forth multiple times and he was responsible and cleaned up.  Cavett and Dad came home and things got a little crazier.  Naptime came and we put a pull-up on. 

After 2 hours, I woke him up from his nap.  He had gone in his sleep, but we tried anyway with success.  Again, we downward spiral from here.  Accident at 4--practice, immediately following clean up-another accident, immediately following that clean up-another, and that is where I lost it.  It was over for me.  

Ok, the positive: 
1.  He did go more times today than he ever has on the potty. 
2. He can put on his underware and pull them up and down all by himself. 
3. I got to spend a ton of semi-uninterrupted time with him. 
4. He has the right idea and he will have it eventually, I mean the kid won't go to Kindergarden in diapers, I'm sure!  

As for the eldest child, Cavett got to be Dad's personal assistant.  They went to deliver dental gift baskets to several area businesses that send patients his way and he got to visit the lab where they make "fake" teeth.  They had a special father-son lunch at Pei Wei and threw in a little Mario Brothers as well. 

I'm sure it will be a day remembered by all...... 

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