Thursday, April 9, 2009

Literacy Thursday: Max's Words

**Welcome to Literacy Thursdays. This post is designed to highlight some of our favorite books in hopes that you will blog about yours. We are always looking for new books to discover. Literacy is so important and even at the youngest of ages is crucial to development. If you don't have children of your own volunteer at a school, read to a neighborhood child, but get involved. It's a great way to share quality time with the youngest of our society.

Here's the play by play: You blog about your book. Give me a shout out in your blog by creating a link to my blog and using my Literacy button. Then at the bottom of my post, you will find Mr. Linky. Sign your name and add the web address of your post. Your post will automatically be linked to mine leaving a list for all to peruse. I hope you will join us.**

This week, I am delighted to introduce "Max's Words" by Kate Banks and Boris Kulikov. This book is such fun. It is a great pairing of storytelling and pictures. Max has two brothers and they both have collections of things that they won't share with Max. So, Max decides to start his own collection of words by cutting them out of magazines and newspapers. He even uses the dictionary and writes words on slips of paper. As you see the words "cut out" they are in the shape of depict the word itself.

Max then realizes that when he put his words in different orders they had different meanings. For example: "A blue crocodile ate the green iguana. The blue iguana ate a green crocodile." He then began arranging the words to make a story. The brothers became very interested and wanted words to make stories of their own. Max shared and as a result, they shared their own collections.

We also made a collection of Cavett's words this past week. He cut pictures out of magazines glued them to an index card and we wrote the word on it. Then we rearranged the cards in different orders to make up our own stories. Great activity!

1 comment:

Holly said...

We have this book, and it's very clever. I think it's just a bit too long for my 2-y-o's attention span, but we can just get through it. :)