Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Few More

We drove up to Allen again Thursday night and met with the "sort of partner." All is looking good still. Again I will elaborate more later...confidentiality, you know.

In the mean time, I found a few more dental practices to wonder about....

  • Comfort Dental-kind of goes along with the previous list.

  • Absolute Dental-what do they do? Maybe you get a shot of vodka before you get any work done.

  • Master's Hand Dental-pardon me, but I thought the Master's Hand was God. You know he's the one that made them in the first place.

On another note, Stephen is considering Hill Dental Studio. Thoughts?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Literacy Thursday

**Welcome to Literacy Thursdays. This post is designed to highlight some of our favorite books in hopes that you will blog about yours. We are always looking for new books to discover. Literacy is so important and even at the youngest of ages is crucial to development. If you don't have children of your own volunteer at a school, read to a neighborhood child, but get involved. It's a great way to share quality time with the youngest of our society.

Here's the play by play: You blog about your book. Give me a shout out in your blog by creating a link to my blog and using my Literacy button. Then at the bottom of my post, you will find Mr. Linky. Sign your name and add the web address of your post. Your post will automatically be linked to mine leaving a list for all to peruse. I hope you will join us.**

If you are interested in reinforcing the alphabet in an older child or looking for a book that introduces some new vocabulary words while paralleling the alphabet, check into this week's book--The Z Was Zapped by Chris Van Allsburg. Produced by the Alphabet Theatre, this book is a play in twenty-six acts. Each page has a clever black and white drawing of a letter with something happening to it on stage. For example, the first page has the letter A with rocks falling on it. You turn the page and it says, "The A was in an Avalanche." Therefore, it gives kids the opportunity to come up with their own description of what is happening and then see if it matches. Of course, Cavett's favorite is the 26th act when Z is zapped! This website also has a great teaching guide.

Addendum: Ah ha!!!! I went to put in thte hyper links and figured it out! I knew I recognized the author and the drawings......He also wrote Jumanji, Polar Bear Express, etc.....I'm such a nincompoop! Duh!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A New Look

Our powder room has a new look....fresh paint. Dry Sage by Benjamin Moore. It took about 3 hours and $50. Why didn't I do this sooner?!?!?!?!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Potty Time

Kendrick typically has a schedule for when he does his business and if it wasn't done first thing in the morning, it is usually accomplished by 11:00 A.M. Today, neither of those options occurred. After picking Cavett up from school we came home to a snack of yogurt and granola. Upon finishing, Kendrick said, "Poop!" I immediately said ok and ran upstairs to find Cavett's little potty under the sink, stripped Kendrick and grabbed some books.

Both kids were actually very interested in this contraption. It was like Cavett was seeing it for the first time again. Kendrick was fine sitting on it and only every now and then did I have to put him back on. We read several of his favorite books and then Cavett found a nursery rhyme book--one he could "read" all the words. It was so sweet to see him reading to his brother.

As for accomplishments of Kendrick--he did end up with some liquid in the bowl, but no solids. However, after we gave up I went downstairs to my bathroom to do my business and Kendrick really watched and started to get "that look." Again I stripped him and held him on the big potty. We ended up with one small piece. I don't expect this to happen again for awhile, but he's starting to get the idea. That's all I'm interested in--baby steps.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Children's Sermon

I sat with Cavett today in big church because the choir was singing "The Creation." We tend to sing the "Ha-men that's good" from that song after we pray and Cavett has picked up on it. I wanted him to hear the whole song. He enjoyed it, but Cavett enjoyed the children's sermon much more. He was very eager and was the first kid up to the alter so he was on the top step next to Dr. Pace.

Dr. Pace brought out a blow up globe and began talking about all the places on the globe. Dr. Pace commented on the fact that Houston was on the map and that's where it went down hill. Cavett's out loud reply was "That's where we live!" Then Dr. Pace began talking about other countries and again Cavett's very loud response was "Uncle John lives in China!" And then "Nobody lives on the bottom of the world. It's too cold." Which led to another kid saying that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. At this point Dr. Pace proclaims that he has lost control and the congregation is laughing hysterically!

He eventually reels it all back in and discusses the role of ambassadors in other countries. Dr. Pace then takes his life into his own hands and says to Cavett "Since you are not a shy child, why don't you assist me in the next demonstration." Cavett sheepishly follows Dr. Pace up through the choir to the alter where he pulls out a flower from the arrangement. Dr. Pace asks him to be God's ambassador by giving the flower to the lady on the front row and telling her that God loves her. After a bit of confussion about which lady, the task is completed.

The good news is is that he got it. He understood. Cavett loves God and has Him in his heart and loves to talk about it. I can't crush that zeal, boldness and desire. I need to step back and revel in the fact that he knows whose he is and not be embarassed by "too much" enthusiasm.

But, just in case you were unsure--Cavett had the last say and told Dr. Pace that polar bears and penguins live in Antartcia.

"For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die." Philippians 1:20

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's My Heart 5K

This morning I got brave and headed downtown with both kids and a double jogging stroller in tow. (Stephen was working.) We signed up for the 5 K Walk that benefits kids with heart disease like our little friend Isabela. If you can believe it, this was my first ever organized walk/run, so I wasn't sure quite what to expect. We got there a bit early which gave the kids time to run around, harrass ducks and explore Sam Houston Park a bit. Unfortunately, my camera battery died just before the walk began so I'll post a few more later when I get my hands on some more. We were joined by the rest of our core, the Falcones and the Alexanders. It was so good to catch up with them and fill them in on the latest in our lives. (I know you are still waiting for that blog, but I don't have the green light to publish to the world yet.) Both kids enjoyed the balloon release and Cavett even decided to run a bit. Cavett's comment of the day was, "Is this a parade?" So, that is what we called our little walk--a parade. I am so glad we were able to be there to support Isabela. Please begin praying for her as she prepares for her next surgery on April 14.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Literacy Thursday

**Welcome to Literacy Thursdays. This post is designed to highlight some of our favorite books in hopes that you will blog about yours. We are always looking for new books to discover. Literacy is so important and even at the youngest of ages is crucial to development. If you don't have children of your own volunteer at a school, read to a neighborhood child, but get involved. It's a great way to share quality time with the youngest of our society.

Here's the play by play: You blog about your book. Give me a shout out in your blog by creating a link to my blog and using my Literacy button. Then at the bottom of my post, you will find Mr. Linky. Sign your name and add the web address of your post. Your post will automatically be linked to mine leaving a list for all to peruse. I hope you will join us.**

This week's highlight is Previously by Allan Ahlberg and Bruce Ingman. Previously, (ha, ha) I had picked up two other books written by these two authors hoping they would be worthy of my honor. One was not so good (The Runaway Dinner) and the other was semi-cute (The Pencil) and previously, I thought about writing about it. Each time I picked up these books I picked them for the illustrations only to realize they were written by the same authors.

Last night, I quickly ran through our church library and picked up another one. This one deserved the medal of honor. I read it to Cavett and Kendrick on the way home. Clever, I say. It is however on a higher thought process than 4 years of age although after some discussion and practice Cavett began to "get it." You see, Previously begins with Goldilocks and her story is told backward through the use of the word "previously." The book goes on linking fairy tale and nursery rhymes telling their stories backwards and linking them by adding in a few details of what the character was doing previously. At the end, the story comes full circle.

So, Cavett learned a new vocabulary word and I think tomorrow I will have him tell about his day on his blog using the same writing style. If it weren't nearing my bed time I would have written this whole blog in the same style as well. Time just didn't allow for it tonight, but just pretend in your head and think "What was I doing previously today?" It's an interesting point of view.

OH NO!!! My Linky got deletedwhen I added Cavett's blog link! So sorry y'all.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Pediatrician Circus

Not thinking I scheduled Cavett's 4 year old check up and Kendrick's 18 month check up for February 16th not realizing it was after a holiday weekend and it was President's Day. The appointment was 3:00 in the afternoon. Kendrick had his nap earlier in the afternoon and after picking Cavett up from school we headed to the park to wear off some energy.

When we arrived at the doctor's office, the waiting room was packed. I knew this was not good. Kendrick was not into holding still or reading books and the movie playing was the "Emporer's New Groove," not the best movie. After chasing them and apologizing for them for 45 minutes our names were finally called.

The patient room was no different. I had 2 naked monkeys jumping all over the place. Even though it was tough, we had a great time singing "Hey, hey look at me." I really wouldn't have it any other way. I am blessed with healthy children. They checked out fine with Cavett in the 75th percentile for height and Kendrick in the 9oth percentile. Both of them were 50th percentile in weight.

Cavett received his 4 booster shots. We talked about the shots for a couple of days and he was ready to be brave and brave he was. Not a tear was shed. I was so proud of him. We also discussed his herniated belly button and that he would need surgery soon, probably late spring. The funny part was that he got it confused and thought that the shots would cure the belly button issue. After the shots were completed, he looked at his belly button and said, "But my belly button is still out!"

Sorry there were no pictures. I'm just not up to par yet.

Strange Sensation

Never before have I had a tounge cramp before tonight. I was complaining to Stephen about how it feels like there is a piece of hair stuck in the back of my throat that I just can't get out. He took the flashlight after me and had me stick out my tongue. Evidently, I stuck it out so far that it literally cramped for several minutes! Come to find out I have a lovely case of Strepthroat--no hairballs. I'll spare you the picture, just give me some pity! It stinks to be a sick Mom.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dental Offices

We spent this weekend looking at 5 different dental offices in the Dallas area—Wylie, Richardson, Frisco, Allen and Plano. We dropped the kids off in Grand Saline Friday and headed out to find the next chapter in our lives. We saw 5 completely different types of practices, and may have found a fit in Allen. We just need to get a bit more information.

Normally, dental offices just meld into the scenery, but what struck me as we drove around were the names of practices. When you are looking for practices, you just notice they are absolutely everywhere. We saw some doozies and I began to keep record they were so funny. (Aside: none of these were practices we were considering.)

  • Soft Touch Dental

  • Feather Touch Dentistry

  • Dedicated Dental

  • Proactive Dentistry

  • Zen Dental Care

What were some of these doctors thinking? I mean, are you insinuating that dentists mean to inflict pain? Or maybe that you intend to give you a crown when all you need is a tiny filling? What ever happened to just using the dentist’s name. I guess it is all marketing and when you want to sell your practice, the transition is better. However, I just don’t like the “descriptive” naming practice.

So, what should we name our future practice?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cavett's Blog

Yesterday as Cavett was perusing through the Pottery Barn Kids catalog, he said to me, "I want a computer of my very own. That way I can write my blog." I stopped in my tracks and thought, "Oh, no! What have I done?? Am I spending too much time at the computer?" Then I reassured myself, "No, I am teaching him to write and express himself." So, I decided what better way is to create a blog for Cavett to use. I am also giving him our old camera to capture photos. Maybe I will even give him writing prompts or photo scavenger hunts. This is a good thing.

So, please welcome the newest and probably youngest blogger at age 4, my eldest son, Cavett. Click here to take you to his blog!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Literacy Thursday

**Welcome to Literacy Thursdays. This post is designed to highlight some of our favorite books in hopes that you will blog about yours. We are always looking for new books to discover. Literacy is so important and even at the youngest of ages is crucial to development. If you don't have children of your own volunteer at a school, read to a neighborhood child, but get involved. It's a great way to share quality time with the youngest of our society.

Here's the play by play: You blog about your book. Give me a shout out in your blog by creating a link to my blog and using my Literacy button. Then at the bottom of my post, you will find Mr. Linky. Sign your name and add the web address of your post. Your post will automatically be linked to mine leaving a list for all to peruse. I hope you will join us.**

Since it is Valentine's Week, I thought I'd highlight one of our favorite "Parent-Child Love" books. I asked Cavett to choose between three of them last night and he chose "You Are My I Love You" by Mary Ann K. Cusimano and Satomi Ichikawa. It is a beautifully sweet book written in verse spotlighting the give and take of the parent child relationship.

Let us share some of our favorite verses....

Mine: "I am your way home;

you are my new path.

I am your dry towel;

you are my wet bath."

Cavett: "I am your lullaby;

you are my peekaboo.

I am your good-night kiss;

you are my I love you."

We wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

These were taken on Saturday. A day that we had no plans, no schedules. It was perfectly, perfect. There is nothing better than a hot tub in the winter. The sun was just starting to go down and there was just enough light reflecting off the windows of the house that I was able to click away without having to wait on a flash.

Hosted by: Angie

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The List

Yesterday Cavett decided we needed a "To-Do" List. This was not like our mug, but a list of our errands. He wrote down Banc, Target and School in that order--bottom to top. He was quite proud of it. He was even able to bring his wallet with him and buy a treat with his own "Mad Money" as he calls it.

As he wrote this "list" it reminded me of a book my mom gave me, " Beyond Bedtime Stories." It is a really great book for parents to encourage literacy. So, here is a small abridged version of the excerpt I was reminded of by Cavett's list.

What Can You Do to Boost Literacy Through Writing?

(This chapter is all about "In the Kitchen".) In the kitchen, we typically write any or all of the following:
  • Grocery Lists

  • To-Do Lists

  • Notes and Reminders to Family members

  • Cards and Letters
  • Checks to pay bills

  • Labels for food containers

  • Names on school bags or file folders

When you do these activities in front of your children, demonstate how useful writing is. Invite them to join you.

Writing is just as important as reading. Encourage where you can! I love watching my blossoming writer and can't wait for the storybooks of his own one day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cavett's Valentines

I'm posting this a bit early in case anybody needs some cute ideas for Valentines. I totally stole this from Family Fun Magazine. This is what Cavett is giving his friends at school and his teachers.

We traced his hands and decorated them and taped them to a tube of hand lotions. Pretty cute, huh?

What's even better are the little friend Valentines. I taped two pieces of yarn to the Conversation Heart box, wrapped the boxes in pink cardstock and then printed out the ipod tags from Family Fun magazine. Click here for the exact link. I glued those on and wrote, "You Rock!" on the back. Now for the earbuds--I taped the other end of the yarn to a mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and then wrapped it in foil. Voila! Rockin' Valentines for any age or gender!
Thanks to Melissa for hosting Family Moment Monday. I hope every one else enjoys making valentines with their families.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Shout Out Sunday

Today's Shout Out goes to Debbie Talley. She was my co-worker who was the most fabulous accompanist, vocalist and friend who I have ever met. I was blessed to work with her for 4 years at Deer Park Junior High in the room we called "choir" (sometimes it was a zoo!).

A few days ago, the kids and I were headed in town for me to teach a couple of hours at a Houston ISD middle school. We heard the Sponge Bob Square Pants theme song come over the XM radio. I think of Debbie Talley every time I hear this little ditty. Actually, anytime I ever hear a tv theme song I think of her. She would play and sing these as a fun warm-up on Fridays or just for fun anytime to get them out of a funk. To actually see her say, "Are you ready, kids?" was hilarious!

So, that got me thinking about what else makes me think of her. I mean, I obviously just couldn’t leave you thinking that is the ONLY thing that reminds me of her. Here are a few:

I think of Debbie....

-Every time I have an accompanist who can’t read my mind. She was amazing at that. I think maybe I might have taken it for granted.
-Every time I am with a boy/men’s group. She is so good with their voices and really taught me all I know.
-Every time I do a “Flah Frisbee” warm-up. It helped me with my own voice.
-On my birthday every year. (She has a September birthday and she was the one who informed me of the terrorist attack going on.)
-When I see a child who is struggling. She always knew what to say and how to encourage them.
-When I want perfect pitch.
-When I am transposing anything.

I am sure there are many, many more. But, if there is anyone walking around in this world who I desire to be more like, it is Debbie Talley. She is loving, caring, genuine, funny, smart and talented. I love you and miss you, Debbie!

I am really sorry that this is one of the only pics I have of you. The others were at Lock-In and I didn't think you would appreciate those! HA! It would seem that I always had the camera and was taking kid pics. To actually have our pic taken together would have meant handing the camera to a kid! Love you anyway!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Kendrick has discovered a Dollar Store book and absolutely loves it. He can even say the title, "Opposites." He loves up & down, hot & cold, boy & girl, and hard & soft. He was so mad that he had to take a bath instead of read his book that he screamed the entire bath time which is completely abnormal.

I also enjoyed a "date" with him yesterday. We went to his Gymboree class, shopping at the mall and then we treated ourselves to a sit down lunch of sushi. He was the perfect angel and I completely enjoyed his company. He made it through 6 stores before wanting out of his stroller and ate his lunch just fine with me sitting across our little 2 person table.

He is precious! I love!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Rearview--a Little Early

As I have posted before the "Rearview" is usually reserved for the run down of the weekend's events. However, I have captured a few cute pics along the way this week, but nothing huge to write about. So, here is our "Rearview" of the week. Happy Photo Story Friday!
We headed to Gymboree for Open Play. It was Cavett's first time and he went bonkers. Their favorite was rolling the airlog back and forth and stacking the inner tubes on top of themselves.
As we were doing laundry, they found additional uses for coat hangers. The obvious was swords, but they also enjoyed hooking them as the "Barrel of Monkeys." Cavett led Kendrick around by hooking them together as well.
That evening's dinner was brought to you by Chick-Fil-A. Dad was still "working" of sorts. (A whole other story I can't get into here...) Anyway, there was a clown painting faces and making balloon creations. Cavett got a dragon on his face and a sword and helmet balloon. Interestingly enough, when asked how dragons get their fire, Cavett responded with, "They eat fireflys, and the fire comes out when they burp!" Quite imaginitive!

Tonight's bath ended in 2 burritos--our favorite after bath activity.

target="_blank">PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by href="" target="_blank">Cecily and href="" target="_blank">MamaGeek

Literacy Thursdays

**Welcome to Literacy Thursdays. This post is designed to highlight some of our favorite children's books in hopes that you will blog about yours. We are always looking for new books to discover. Literacy is so important and even at the youngest of ages is crucial to development. If you don't have children of your own volunteer at a school, read to a neighborhood child, but get involved. It's a great way to share quality time with the youngest of our society.

Here's the play by play: You blog about your book. Give me a shout out in your blog by creating a link to my blog using my Literacy button. Then at the bottom of my post, you will find Mr. Linky. Sign your name and add the web address of your post. Your post will automatically be linked to mine leaving a list for all to peruse. I hope you will join us.**

Today's book is The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. We randomly found this book at the library as I was looking for another book that Cavett read at school earlier this week, Mouse Paint. We never found Mouse Paint, but we will try again.

I picked up "the dot" for it's illustrations as I usually always do. Illustrations are hugely important in my book. Also, I like the matte cover look, just fyi. Anyway, we read the story and I found it highly liberating and quite uplifting. As a lover and maker of the arts, to have someone confirm your art no matter what the form is highly uplifting.

The story is of a girl named Vashti. She couldn't think of a thing to draw and so she put one dot on the paper. The next class period, she found her dot framed and hanging on the wall. It inspired her to make better and more dots of all kinds. I particularly like that she made a dot by not drawing a dot. In the end, a little bly claims that he can't draw even a straight line with a ruler. Vashti asks him to show her. He scribbles a line, hands it to her, and she says, now sign it.

It's a great book for the uncertain or timid. In fact, I may need to buy this one just for myself!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Favorite Things Swap

I am participating in Dandelion Wishes: Mamarazzi's My Favorite Things Swap. I am super excited. I heard about the last one last fall and hoped there would be another one. If you are interested too, go check here out and click on the button below.

Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens....... :)

Wordful Wednesday

I am so far behind. One computer is having photo uploading issues and the other computer won't edit my video. SO FRUSTRATING, computers can be.

Anyway, last Saturday Stephen was off work and we had not a thing to do for the day. It was gorgeous, so we headed to the zoo for the morning. Who knew that Saturdays when you don't have to work can be so fun! Family time is highly under-rated! (A bit of sarcasm there, if you couldn't tell. I can't wait for Stephen to get his own practice so that he doesn't have to work Saturdays.)
The elephants are a favorite, especially since they have expanded the space and have more elephants. We also got to see my personal favorite, the giraffes. One had just give birth the night before. How amazing it is that they can walk right out of the womb!
Monkeys are another personal favorite. This is one of my favorites! He's even acting like a monkey!
The mandrill came up close and personal with us and gave us quite a stare down.

The orangutans always entertain as well.

There were a couple of first for Kendrick. He LOVED brushing the goats! The carousel was a first as well, but he was pretty sedate. I'm not quite sure what he thought, though it could have been that he was just tired and he is cutting some teeth.

For more Wordful Wednesday see Angie's Seven Clown Circus! Click the button!