Friday, May 28, 2010

Field Day

For Cavett's last day of Pre-school, I volunteered to help with his field day.  I thought it would be filled with games and races, etc.  Unfortunately when I arrived, I was handed chalk, bubbles and sidewalk paint!  What did I do to deserve this?!?!?!  (The non-conformist lunch maker) I made it through the first two groups hanging out on the driveway in the hot sun with minimal paint and bubbles all over me until Cavett's class came out.  It was worth the mess to see Cavett enjoying his time with his girlfriend, Bella. 

On the way home we drove by his new school, Cheatham Elementary.  It is almost finished.  I'm so excited for him to go and learn.  He is ready for new concepts and to be challenged and find new subjects.  But, at the same time I don't want his innocence taken away.  Being in such a big school around so many other kids worries me slightly.  I just don't want him to grow up like that yet. 

So, if I happen to cry August 23rd, it is for his innocence, not because I want him to stay at home.  I will miss him (some), but he is so ready to be in Kindergarden.

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