Friday, March 5, 2010

Las Vegas Institute

For the past 5 years Stephen has been going to Las Vegas to attend and teach classes at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies.  This is an institute that offers specialized training in Restorative, Occlusal, Ortho, Implant, Endodontic, Laboratory, Practice Management and Team Training.  I have been to a couple of their yearly destination meetings, but never to the LVI campus.  It was a long standing joke that Stephen was just coming out here to live his double life. 

Well, I have now visited and had the campus tour.  It's real.  This week's course was on dental implants.  I got here on the last day of the course when they were actually drilling and placing the implant using a model.  Stephen had previously done it on his Dad and so he let me do the procedure.  It really was pretty interesting and fun.  Easy as pie, by the way.  Now, add in salava, a tongue, and blood and then, I'm not so sure.  I get to watch them do it on an actual patient this afternoon.  We will see if my stomach stays in place!   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kid Will about a double life too! I have never seen his office. The plant is some kind of federal security zone so I can't even get in the gate anymore.