Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall Fun

The Peanuts Gang
This weekend was full of fall family fun. Kendrick had his last baseball game of the season, while Cavett went to a karate costume party. We dressed the kids up and visited some of Stephen's cousins, Dick and Launa and then spent the rest of the afternoon playing outside and watching Dad carve the pumpkin.  Of course, we made pumpkin pncakes and found a great recipe for toasting the seeds.  (The trick is to boil them in salt water first!)

 Cavett put his hands in and got messy, but Kendrick would have nothing to do with it and instead decided to roll down the hill. 

 Happy Fall Y'all!


lifeinthevillage said...

Cute costumes!

lifeinthevillage said...

Oops. Forgot to sign Lyd out first. That was Candace. :)